Repeat as often as necessary

Hmm. Global warming seems over-hyped. Are there any other panics going around, and if so, why?

How about the new Xi Flu? The one thing it seems every scientist/medico agrees on is that viruses mutate: it’s how they’re made. So now we have a new mutation of which nothing is known: not how severe it is, how transmissible it is, or even if it’s resistant to existing vaccines. The response? Shut down the world, again. We can expect continuous mutations, extending forever into the future, so can we lo expect the authorities to keep their hands clamped on the spigot, controlling our economies and borders in an on-and-off process as they see fit, and as their own needs demand? Until the people finally revolt, I’d say yes.


Confused South African medical community Omicron variant has only mild symptoms, ‘Don’t understand the hype”.

I’m not a roll-carrying member of the tinfoil brigade — yet, but it’s increasingly obvious that every “crisis” the Left dream up always has the same solution: more power concentrated in the hands of the few. Here’s one explanation for the Xi Flu panic, and who knows? It may be right.

Occam’s Razor – The new variant is being hyped because international governments need it to be hyped.  The biggest threat to politicians and the global financial system attempting to Build Back Better via enlarged government spending, is not COVID; the biggest threat is anger from the citizenry over the inflation the government spending and buying of debt is creating.

What is the quickest way to eliminate the political risks due to inflation? Shut down demand.  Lock down economies, turn the valves closed on economic demand and then watch price increases slow down.

Global monetary policy to maintain an economic system beneficial to Wall Street and the multinational investment class, means they need to keep interest rates low even as they print more money for Build Back Better spending and purchase their own debt.  {Go Deep}

The primary way to control inflation is for central banks (ex U.S. Fed) to stop purchasing their own debt (quantitative easing) and then to raise interest rates.  However, that approach would be against the interests of the legislative branch, multinational elites and international finance system (World Economic Forum agenda).  As long as politicians keep spending, they must print money and buy their own debt.  This causes devalued currency and inflation.

If you are a member of the political elite and you cannot stop the printing presses; and you are worried about the electoral backlash from massively rising prices hitting your citizenry; the only other way to slow inflation is to lower economic demand.   How do you lower economic demand….  Omicron !!

(Article, 11/2/21: “Inflation surges globally”)

Yesterday, Fauci finally admitted it: COVID’s not going away, and Trump was right: we’re going to have to live with it. That’s great news for those who have already taken control of what “living with it” will entail.