From the same dreadful school that brought us AOC economics, here's advice on public health

and what we fight

Meet Elle Murray, from Boston University’s School of Public Health. Ms. Murray, a Canadian by birth, is a doctor the way Jill Biden is a doctor, but she has some suggestions on what the perfect response to the Nu Xi Panic should look like. What a surprise! It’s a Build Back Bolshevik plan, indistinguishable from our little friend’s in NYC.

There’s plenty more, of course, but I especially like this one, in which she inadvertently revels that she’s never traveled by train, at least anywhere in this country, where the last operable window went off the tracks 50 years ago:

And Ms. Ellie’s followers are right on board:

There’s an article posted on the Guardian today written by someone who claims that the world is ending (I said it was the Guardian, didn’t I?). The article is the usual hysterical bullshit and not worth mentioning, except for this line: “The scientists tell us that fundamentally there is enough for everyone. The Earth can sustain us”. These people never think to ask themselves, why is there enough to sustain us? How did it happen that the population could grow from 500 million to 7 billion and still have enough to sustain it?

They simply assume that the food, wealth and the energy that allows there to be plenty just magically appeared coincidentally with the start of the industrial revolution, and all that remains to be done is to equitably divide this manna from the Unicorn God among the population. And then live happily ever after.

Defy the magicians, become ungovernable.