The Worst Person in the World Today (though it's still early)

do you know who I am?

Meghan Markle has been cold calling Republican U.S. Senators to lobby for paid vacations and identifying herself as “The Duchess of Sussex”

Meghan Markle has called two Republican senators on their private numbers and used her royal title to urge them to vote in favor of paid parental leave, it emerged on Wednesday - shocking the politicians with her latest foray into political activism.

She called Republican Sens. Susan Collins from Maine and Shelley Moore Capito from West Virginia, both of whom said they were shocked that Markle called out of the blue and noted that she even used her royal title to lobby for the cause.

Collins said: 'I was happy to talk with her, but I'm more interested in what people from Maine are telling me about paid leave.'

Moore Capito added: 'I couldn't figure out how she got my number.'