Trust them: when they say they hate you, they mean it

oh, how droll!

Liberals mock family of 11 featured on CNN concerned about rising cost of milk

A large family featured on CNN discussing the rising costs of basic groceries like milk was mocked by some progressive media figures on Thursday.

To demonstrate the "squeeze" of inflation and supply chain issues on everyday Americans, CNN's "New Day" featured the Stotlers, a Texas couple looking after nine children – two of whom are their biological kids, while they've adopted six more and have one foster child.

Krista Stotler said she started seeing prices rising this summer and it was costing them an extra $100 a week on groceries.

"A gallon of milk was $1.99. Now it's $2.79. When you buy 12 gallons a week times four weeks, that's a lot of money," she said, as her husband Larry added he felt guilty that they were being forced to buy less healthy food to save money.

Liberals jumped on the segment and appeared to mock the family's concerns.

"12 gallons of milk a week may sound like a lot, but they've actually had to cut out their milk baths on alternate days," snarked New York Magazine's Jonathan Chait. 

The New York Times account on crossword puzzles also got into the act, tweeting – and deleting –, "sorry, i can't do today's crossword. i'm too busy carrying my 12 gallons of milk home."

Deleted? The Internet is forever:

Cut the worried parents some slack for taking on the responsibility for caring for and feeding six adopted and one foster child besides their own? Of course not: the truly woke have no children — global warming, you know — and those other kids would have been aborted in any properly-run state, but … Texas.

UPDATE: Red State has more on the story, and includes this snapshot: