Forget "they", why do YOU want to let them?
/Why Do They Want To Vaccinate Children?
Virtually no chance of death, it won’t stop transmission of disease, and the dugs haven’t been tested for safety. The government wants to force you to do it anyway.
According to a presentation by Fiona Havers, who works at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and who is a member of the agency’s COVID-19 Response Team, “[D]uring the 12-month period October 2, 2020 through October 3, 2021, there were 66 COVID-19 associated deaths in children 5-11.”
To give you a sense of perspective, children in that age bracket are three hundred percent more likely to be murdered (207 deaths) and thirty percent more likely to die of flu and pneumonia (84 deaths) than they are to die of Covid.
Also according to the CDC in 2019, “608 child passengers age 12 and younger died in motor vehicle crashes.”
Please contemplate this point well. Children under 12 years of age are nearly 1000 percent more likely to be killed in a vehicular mishap than to die of Covid-19.
According to Statista, there were 20 deaths and a hundred injuries due to lightning strikes in the United States in 2019. Thus, your child is nearly 200 percent more likely to be struck by lightning than to be felled by Covid.
Thus, most – if not all – of the children in the 5-11 age bracket who died while being Covid positive suffered from serious, life-threatening co-morbidities.
To state the situation in a different way, it is virtually unheard of for an active, healthy child to die of Covid-19. For all practical purposes, the chance of your healthy child dying of this disease is zero.
Even the scare-mongering New York Times had to concede that to healthy children “the danger of severe Covid is so low as to be difficult to quantify.” In other words, the risk is essentially non-existent.
The obvious question is this: Why are we going to mass vaccinate healthy children against Covid-19 given that they face virtually no serious risk from this particular disease?
The only valid medical reason for vaccination of this age cohort would be to stop the spread of infection.
This, however, cannot be the case, because it is now widely known that the Covid vaccines do not prevent infection.
This was publicly affirmed some three months ago by none other than CDC director Rochelle Walensky. Speaking of the vaccines in her CNN interview on August 5 with Wolf Blitzer, Walensky said:
“What they can’t do anymore is to prevent transmission.”
The combination of extremely low Covid risk to the young, and the vaccines’ inability to prevent transmission, makes vaccinating children a non sequiturfrom the point of view of public health.
Not only there is no real benefit of doing so, but there are also considerable risks associated with this procedure. It is well known that the Covid vaccines have not been properly subjected to trials and tested. It normally takes between 6 and 10 years to develop and test a vaccine that can be declared safe and effective for mass implementation. The Covid shots have been around for less than 18 months, which makes it impossible to know what their long-term side effects may be.
Meanwhile, in the short term, we have every reason to be deeply concerned about these inadequately tested pharmaceuticals. According to an analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System database (VAERS), between December 2020 and October 15 of this year, there have been records of more than seventeen thousand deaths and over eight hundred thousand adverse reactions in connection with the vaccines.
This, however, does not give a true picture as it represents only a small fraction of the actual cases. According to a Harvard study, only about one percent of vaccine injuries get logged in the VAERS database. Do the math.
This being said, it does not mean there is a causal connection in every reported case between the vaccine and the bad health event. Nevertheless, in a substantial portion of reported cases, such a connection does exist. Keeping in mind the findings of the Harvard study should give you an idea of how deep our safety concerns should be.
And yet despite all this, members of the FDA advisory panel still thought that injecting children who have virtually zero risk of serious Covid with these inadequately tested substances is a good idea.
To say that this is reckless and irresponsible would be an understatement.