I pointed this out a couple of months ago, but it's finally drawing some media attention

you ain’t going nowhere

Build Back Bummer: Biden’s Spending Spree Includes a Kill Switch for Your Car (and controlled by the government)

Ostensibly, the device, whatever it is, will passively monitor the driver for indications of impaired operation and turn the car off if it decides there is a problem. If that isn’t enough overreach for you, get a load of this: The system can be accessed by third parties. That includes law enforcement, whatever government agency or company that thinks it has a right to monitor your activity, or your friendly neighborhood hacker who just wants to cause a little mayhem or extort you for as much cryptocurrency they can get you to cough up. Or a foreign power that decides it would be a good time to put the screws to American transportation. ….

So the system is designed to shut down your car if you are allegedly drunk, drugged, or drowsy. But will it decide you are impaired if you check both ways too many times before pulling into traffic? Possibly. Will it turn off the engine if you are in the middle [of] a four-lane freeway and swerve to miss an impending wreck or vehicle debris? Maybe. What about a desolate country road where you try to avoid the corpse of a skunk? It might. Suppose you are stopped at a red light at the end of long day and close your eyes and lean back during rush hour? Will the system think you have passed out?  Perhaps. Will the it suddenly decide it needs a restart or experience an error as you drive through a sketchy part of town? In that case I suppose you call your friends for a lift and if they can’t come, you tell them to watch for you on the evening news.

What about the criteria the system will use or how the algorithm will interpret your behavior? How often during a given trip will you be at risk for your car grinding to a halt allegedly for your own protection? How many times can you miss potholes before the system decides you’re drunk and it’s time to call a cab? And once it shuts down, how do you start the car again?

As Barr points out, there isn’t much information on any of that, which makes the potential problems with this issue Legion. (And yes, that is a reference to Mark 5:9.) I suppose we’ll all know five years from now when the mandate kicks in. So hang on to your current ride for as long as you can. Or at least until you are ordered to buy an electric car or line up for public transportation. Who knows? By then only the patricians may be able to afford cars, so I guess I’ll see you at the bus stop.