They're coming — or would like to

JIM CRAMER: With the new omicron variant sweeping the globe, how do we finally put an end to this pandemic? How do we save lives and get business back to normal so everybody can put dinner on the table? Simple. The federal government needs to require vaccines, including booster shots for everyone in America by, say, January 1st. … So it’s time to admit that we have to go to war against COVID. Require vaccination universally, have the military run it. If you don’t want to get vaccinated you better be ready to prove your conscientious objector status in court. And even then you need to help in the war effort by staying home until we finally beat this thing.

I’m not particularly worried about what a pseudo-money expert with a show on a third-rate television station has to say about the NuXi Virus, but it is troubling that he even exists, because where there’s one fascist, there are more.