Student loans for Pre-K?

As discussed here before, Biden’s handlers and their Democrat allies want to raise nursery school babysitters’ salaries to those of their unionized peers in elementary schools (average salary, $63,000).

That’s estimated to raise the cost of child care by $13,000, per child, per annum. Middle class families won’t be eligible for the taxpayer subsidies (ironically, that’s also them) Worker shortage? How many middle-class families are going to calculate the cost-benefit ratio here and decide that one of the parents should stay home?

If this goes through, middle-class parents will be faced with the extra taxes on a salary if the oe who’s been staying home decides to return to work, and the burden of paying in after-tax dollars the cost of pre-K. For many, that’s already an economic loser: it’s cheaper to stay home; add an additional $13,000 cost for each child, and it’s a no-brainer.

Which is not a bad thing, necessarily, because a child staying home with her parent is probably far better off than one left for 10 hours a day with a non-family member.

But the Democrats, having anticipated this result and its deleterious effect on the never-ending quest to destroy the family, has a solution buried in its Build Back Bolshevik plan:

The child-care subsidies also incentivize single parenthood, writes De Rugy. “That’s because a dad’s income only counts against the child care subsidies received by a mother if they are legally part of the family, and vice versa.”
