I've moved from skepticism to cynicism, and I blame the government, its lackeys in the press, and healthcare “experts”

Oooh, get ready!

White House warns Omicron explosion is imminent and WILL lead to surge in hospitalizations - but it will be fast and won't be as severe as Delta: U.S. infections triple.

Dr. Falsey claims that his new invention “is probably going to be less severe, but it’s too soon to tell”. In fact, it’s too soon to know anything about the NuXi variant, but that hasn’t stopped “them” from spewing waves of panic porn, and reclaiming their power over the citizens they wish to rule. F’ck ‘em.

A decent explanation of the difference between skepticism and cynism can be found here.

A skeptic is properly understood as someone who demands evidence to support claims before he or she accepts them. A cynic is probably best described as someone who is predisposed to reject claims, either before the evidence is heard or in spite of partial evidence that ought to be convincing. Furthermore, a cynic is constantly fixated on the hidden motivations of others and is quick to assume that others are bad at heart.

Even as a very young lad, I was a skeptic, but not really a cynic: I unknowingly was following what I would come to learn was “Hanlon’s Razor”: "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Practicing law, and encountering the wide variety of clients and lawyers out there led me to question Hanlon, but fortunately, there were judges on the bench who reinforced my belief in his rule, and I mostly retained a questioning, but not a cynical mind.

All that has changed over the past two years, as we’ve endured a steady, constant deluge of false information claimed to be fact, and the politicization of every aspect of the disease, from its origin, to its name, to its treatment to its danger, to the needless torture of children, all amplified and wallowed in by press and various talking-head doctors.

I wish, literally, a pox on their houses.