Just imagine what they'll be able to do with $5 trillion more

dig we must — slowly, and incompetently

Woke Portland city bosses award $12 million clean energy contract aimed at boosting racial equity to bankrupt fraudster accused of lying about her prior experience

Some of you may remember the Flint, Michigan disaster back in 2015. In 2014, the all-black government — City Council, Mayor, and its county and state, decided to save money by switching from using the City of Detroit’s water supply and tapping the Flint River instead. This was in the face of universal warnings that the Flint River water, untreated, would leach the lead out of the existing water pipes and contaminate the drinking supply. It did.

So the city was given $110 million to correct the problem and replace all residential lead pipes with copper ones, and the fun began. You can get a history of the corruption and chaos that ensued here. Black contracting firms with no experience in pipe replacement and no equipment with which to accomplish it were awarded contracts to dig up, by hand, every residential lawn, looking for lead pipes (there was an algorithm available that would have specifically identified houses with the problem, but the city refused to use it in the area assigned to its black contractor so that he’d have more work for his unskilled laborers). The city rejected bids 3X-lower and with a promised a completion date half-that proposed by the successful bidder, and, of course, the project was never completed.

Certainly, municipal corruption is probably as old as the first time Hammurabi ordered up a sewer system for Babylon, so there’s nothing new here, but at least in the good old days of Tammany Hall and Mayor Daly’s rule in Chicago, the politicians made a point of hiring cronies who actually knew how to, you know, do the job, albeit at a huge markup to cover the bribes. Our coming Build Back Bolshevik plan apparently intends to give preference to the least experienced, most incompetent minority firms in reparation for sins of the 1619 Virginian planter class. Whoo boy.

*I mention race only because the mainstream press seized on the fact that Michigan’s governor at the time was white, and so portrayed the entire scandal as an example of white racism. The Governor had nothing to do with it, and Flint itself has been ruled by blacks for 50 years.