Global warming melts Bidens "Winter of Death"

well, everyone knows it’s really, really hot in Africa, so that’s why

Stephen Green PJ Media: Omicron isn’t a killer. South African hospitalizations plunge with new variant

COVID-19 hospitalizations plunged more than 90% in South Africa as the new, more contagious omicron variant crowds out delta.

The country reports “a much lower rate of hospital admissions and signs that the wave of infections may be peaking,” according to Bloomberg.

Omicron first hit South Africa, and hit hard.

Correction: Omicron hit a lot — hard, not so much.

Fewer than 2% of detected COVID cases required hospital admissions in the second week of this omicron wave, compared with nearly 20% in the second week of the delta wave. That’s according to South African Health Minister Joe Phaahla.

Bloomberg can’t help but indulge in a little fear-mongering, reminding readers that “new cases in that week of the current wave were more than 20,000 a day, compared with 4,400 in the same week of the third wave. That’s further evidence of omicron’s rapid transmissibility.”

Well, so what?