Twitter to ban "Winter of Death" Biden, or Dr. Fauci?

who ya gonna believe, me, or Twitter? And “neither” is an unacceptable answer.

Twitter forbids any claim that vaccinated people can spread COVID.

John Hinderaker, Power Line


Jack Dorsey’s retirement has not improved Twitter’s authoritarian bias. If anything, it has made it worse. Check out Twitter’s standards for suppressing content relating to covid. … For example, Twitter censors:

* False or misleading information about preventative [sic] measures one can take to avoid infection, such as claims that face masks cause hypoxia or bacteria pneumonia, or do not work to reduce transmission or to protect against COVID-19.

In my opinion, based on a careful study of the data, I do not think that face masks “reduce transmission or … protect against COVID-19” to any perceptible degree. But that is an argument I am not supposed to make on Twitter, regardless of how sound my data may be. And I don’t think there is any question about the fact that face masks can have adverse health effects. Apparently Twitter thinks we are not supposed to mention them.

But this is simply ridiculous:

* False or misleading claims that people who have received the vaccine can spread or shed the vaccine (or symptoms, or immunity) to unvaccinated people.

Obviously, vaccinated people can and do spread covid. There is zero doubt about this, and it has been acknowledged by the laggards at CDC. In fact, covid transmission these days is largely among the vaccinated. To take one example, look at the Minnesota data, compiled at Healthy Skeptic. Currently, 44% of covid cases are among the fully vaccinated, 34% of hospital admissions are among the fully vaccinated, and 44% of “covid deaths” are among the fully vaccinated. And those numbers are understated for the reasons stated at the link.