Well, for heaven's sake, let's just ask the Chinese how they've managed to eradicate the flu

China reporting no COVID-19 deaths since January!

By Eric Utter, American Thinker

Some things are so remarkable that one is forced to say "wow!" followed by "hmmm."  

[Like] the "fact" that the world's most populous country hasn't suffered a single fatality from the coronavirus in the past ten and a half months.  And only four since April 18 of 2020.  Even though it suffered 1,290 deaths in the 48 hours prior to that date.  

How to account for this?  What could possibly explain this?  Is China flat-out lying?  Certainly.  China doesn't want the rest of the world to think it is responsible for the pandemic; it wants the rest of the world to think it has defeated it, due to its remarkable, broad-based competence.

On the other hand, the United States appears to have deliberately and significantly inflated the number of fatalities it has suffered.  Why the difference?  The Chinese Communist Party doesn't need to terrify Chinese citizens to take away their freedoms and solidify its power.  It has already done so.  Many U.S. leaders have been envious of their Chinese counterparts, jealous of their power.  They boldly yet cleverly utilized the Wuhan Flu to help them close the gap. Frightened Americans have thus far let them get away with it.

But wait! Is he right?

Me? I think Mr. Utter is just showing his anti-Asian xenophobia; we have no reason, no reason at all, to disbelieve anything the Chinese say about their pet virus or anything else they’re up to, such as their comittment to stopping coal usage. So let’s get Dr. Fauci over there chop chop so that he can learn and bring back the cure that has so eluded our own experts. Oh, the opportunity we’re missing!