Message from Susie

“Gideon went to a Squadron A luncheon Friday. They were handing these out to be tossed in the red kettle outside.”

(There are those who will find this cruel, heartless humor, inappropriate at this time of Christian charity and goodwill towards men; I am not among them. Ed.)

ADDENDUM: The breath-taking stupidity of the Salvation Army’s get-woke decision to attack whites as racists should have been obvious. Liberals don’t contribute to charities, they prefer running governments that will seize money from others and dole it out to the favored classes, so there was nothing to be gained from alienating the one group that did support the organization.

Will kowtowing to the rabid left see donations from that quarter, which will offset the loss from its traditional base? C’mon, man — the only thing liberals hate more than conservatives is Christian conservatives. The Leftists did their harm, and cowed corporations into submission: even Chick-fil-A caved and stopped contributing in 2019, and that money’s not coming back, no matter how much the Army grovels. Dumb, dumb dumb.