WHO Gives a rat’s ass what he says?
/WHO Head to the world: Cancel Christmas.
Meaning no respect, sir, fuck you.
Fauci, on the other hand, says don’t cancel Christmas.
"If you don’t have the availability of the test and you are fully vaccinated and boosted, you should feel comfortable having a holiday meal or gathering with family members who are also vaccinated and boosted," he said on NBC's "Today."
And, echoing what everyone who doesn’t have a stakke in the panic epidemic has said all along, this, too shall pass, and quickly:
“When you have something that goes up this quickly, often you see it come right back down because what will happen is that either almost everyone is either going to get infected, particularly the unvaccinated or be vaccinated,” Fauci said.
“With the rapidity with which these cases are accumulated, we hope that when we do get a peak soon and it will be soon — it’s going to be a matter of a couple of weeks that we then start to see just as dramatic of a decline,” he continued.
But back to that Christmas dinner. If you’re vaccinated, Faucci now says, you can still give NuXi to others, but you yourself won’t get terribly sick if someone infects you. And if Granny is fully vaccinated, she can also give and get the flu, but, she won’t get severely sick, either. So, logic dictates, you’ll still be a carrier, no matter how many Foochy Oochys you jab into your arm because the vaccine will protect you, and you only. Remember when the official line — it was just yesterday — was that the virus could be stopped if only enough people were vaccinated? That’s no longer operative.
Notice the White House’ds shift here: After a year of saying that vaccines were critical to stopping transmission, they’ve now had to admit (though their press lackeys haven’t) that vaccination does not stop transmission. Get the 3rd, 4th, and 5th boosters to protect yourself, not others. That seems a strong argument for individual liberty to decide what to do with one’s body.
But wait, there’s more!
I’m sorry to have buried the lede, but the Fauci kicker, finally admitted only after two years spent deliberately spreading fear and panic among the populace, is that gross numbers don’t count:
Speaking on CNN's "New Day," Fauci said hospitalization numbers are more important than infection numbers.
"If we have a larger number of people getting infected, but the degree of severity is very, very low, that would be very important," Fauci said. "If you just count the numbers of infections, you may get a misrepresentation as to what is actually going on."
A month ago, this charlatan would have been permanently banned by Facebook and Twitter for uttering such heresy.
The virus is doing exactly what other viruses do: mutate, and it grows weaker with each mutation, because viruses don’t want to kill their host, and natural selection will favor those mutations that spread the fastest and kill the fewest.
I went into town today to do some grocery shopping (where I found exactly five of the ten items on my shopping list, and spotted a bank representative stationed by the meat department, offering home equity loans) and it was both scary and depressing to see the huge number of masked individuals not just inside but, worse, walking alone on uncrowded sidewalks. Muffled oldsters and the Irish I get, sort of, although you’d hope they’ve seen enough panics, real and imagined, over their years to distinguish between the two, but then, much of their lives were spent in a CNN-free world.
It’s the masked young people that worry me, because if they can be so easily whipped to a frenzy of fear, and hatred for the unmasked “others’ now, they’re easy prey for the next demagogic campaign. The fear and loathing displayed during Trump’s reign was bad; this COVID mass terror is worse, and the next will be worse still because someone’s been conditioning these people, and the escalation will be easy, and swift.