Well, terrorizing the population was the point all along, and it’s liberals who are most susceptible to government-generated fear
/In the state with the highest rate of vaccination — 88%, The Chickens of the Collective Psychosis of COVID Hysteria Come Home to Roost
Bonchie, posting on Red State:
News out of Vermont paints a bleak picture of just how harmful the collective psychosis of COVID hysteria is, a phenomenon that seems isolated to heavily Democrat areas.
For years, fear-mongering from the government and national media has pushed people to detach themselves from reality when it comes to assessing risk profiles regarding the coronavirus. That’s now playing out in the form of completely asymptomatic individuals rushing to jam up emergency rooms in Vermont. Though, as we’ll see, this is hardly limited to the Green Mountain State.
Some Vermonters who are able to find antigen tests and then test positive are clogging up emergency rooms.
The emergency department at the Rutland Regional Medical Center has been overwhelmed with asymptomatic folks.
Dr. Rick Hildebrant is RRMC’s medical director. He says some people who test positive with a rapid test go to the emergency room looking for a PCR test.
The Vermont Hospital Association says it’s hearing similar stories from other parts of the state…
…“It’s not so much the beds that are the precious resource, it’s the staff at this time. So we have to have some of our clinical staff providing care to those people and they can’t provide care to the folks in the ER,” Hildebrant explained.
This isn’t the overwhelming of hospitals we were promised by the left. Rather, it’s the exact opposite, with people who aren’t even sick showing up to take resources away because they’ve been convinced that COVID is still highly deadly for 45-year-olds in good health. Even older people who are asymptomatic should not be going to the ER. Rather, they should live their life. Unless they actually get sick, what is there to treat?
Yet, the cynical move by Democrats to cause so much fear around COVID has pushed a large segment of the population into what can only be called some form of mental illness. Get a load of these responses I chronicled a few days ago and tell me we don’t have a problem on our hands.
From a "cultural resource management point of view, we would like to restore it," Trieschmann said, but the state also wants to make sure that the Stark statue "is not perceived negatively" before it devotes resources to a restoration effort.