And the confession of cluelessness continues
/CDC now says individuals who have been close to a flu person but not infected themselves need lock themselves in a closet for only five, instead of fourteen ten days. “Unless that’s a problem, in which case, skip the closet routine entirely, but wear a useless, anti-Karen mask.”
For quarantine, the clock starts the day someone is alerted to they may have been exposed to the virus.
Previously, the CDC said people who were not fully vaccinated and who came in close contact with an infected person should stay home for at least 10 days. Today, miraculously, it’s been discovered that five days was the magic number, and they’ve needlessly dragged down and disrupted the economy for no reason.
But what the Fauci Fools giveth, they also take away. Until today, the double-dosed could avoid quarantine entirely; now, they’ve been declared a menace to society and must lock themselves away, while only the triple-vaxxed get an exemption.
Oh! And everyone: the unvaxxed, the single/double/triple jabbed, must wear a mask. So here’s a question: the face masks most people are wearing have been denounced as “useless” and “mere face decoration” as long ago as March, 2020, and as recently as last week (by CNN’s own “expert”. no less). So why the requirement to wear one, other than the hysteric’s and authoritarians’ love for the theatrical?
And here’s the real question: there is no evidence: none at all, that the third dose of bat juice will stop the transmission. Fauci and the television experts all promised, without evidence, that the first two jabs of vaccine would do the trick; they didn’t. Now they say that a third shot will, though again, they offer no studies to support this claim, and no reason to believe it.
So why should we?