Of course, phony tests and overwrought panic headlines don't mean that actually getting COVID can't suck
/Bill Whittle and his wife both have COVID, and they’re sick as dogs
Hi everybody,
I hope all of you had a great Christmas. Natasha and I had a cozy Covid Christmas, which has turned into the least cozy Christmas OF ALL TIME.
The medications our doctor was going to prescribe to help us through this are, according to the doctor, not available for love or money or both anywhere in the state. We both started showing symptoms about a week ago, then we got better for a day or two, then MUCH worse. I’ve had a fever of 102F for the last four days and 104F for the last two days.
But it’s the fatigue that is almost supernatural in intensity.
I’ve been meaning to write this for three days and haven’t been able to find either the strength or the mental focus until now. For most of the last five days I have felt like a carrot: plant me under the covers and I do not need to move, rotate, eat or think. I’ll just LIE RIGHT HERE like a good carrot.
Anyway, it looks like we just have to tough it out the way our ancestors did in Days of Yore: rugged, pioneer families sitting around the Netflix sipping smoothies with gritted teeth and so on.
I’ll keep you posted but I would expect that next week will not be much better and I cannot imagine it could get much worse.
Whittle’s one of my favorite commentators, so I hope he gets well and is back at work soon.
Interesting that their doctor can’t get the necessary medications “anywhere in the state” (California, I believe). I’d lay the blame for that on Fauci and his Gang of Four for that, for spending two years focusing exclusively on prevention, rather than therapeutics: The question, “What if the vaccines stop working?” apparently never crossed their minds.