Wherefore by their masks ye shall know them
/Can’t be too careful, or too scared
Oregon Health Authority moves to implement 'permanent' indoor mask mandate
Not “permanent permanent”, mind you, because “we might change our minds”. They haven’t done so yet, and it’s going on two years now, but hey, ya never know — they might.
Is Covid terror a phenomenon restricted to liberals? I invite you to visit them in one of their natural habits: Trader Joe’s, for instance, or Whole Foods, and note the number of shoppers wearing masks: it’s around 80%, compared to maybe 10% in normal food stores patronized by normal people.
Yesterday, I was driving down a moderately-trafficked Portsmouth, NH, street and espied a gentlemen of about 30 standing on the curb, waiting to cross. I stopped and waved him on, as I’m wont to do, and I saw him look at me, then glance up at the crossing signal which was still flashing “don’t walk” and (without acknowledging my effort, as these people do), stayed put. Like any of the good Germans I once observed in Munich who stayed firmly on the sidewalk, at midnight, on deserted streets, until given permission by the light to cross, this fellow wasn’t going to disobey the law or risk his life performing an unauthorized crossing.
As I drove past him, I reflected on the fact that, even though he was outdoors, and a full hundred yards away from the next-nearest pedestrian, he was fully wrapped in a super-face mask, one of those heavy-duty models approved by all the best scientists. I considered backing up and running him over, just to ensure one less Democrat vote next year, but it occurred to me that he was probably destined to die a lonely death from NuXi Flu anyway, and regardless, his demise wouldn’t prevent his vote being counted. So I continued on.
Related, sort of, from InstaPundit:
UPDATE: From the comments: “Questioning authority, resistance and protests were the stuff of our youth. Clapton and Morrison’s response IS what I expect of them. F the fascist authorities and administrative nazi enablers. The UK could use a few million others to stand with them.”
Plus: “I don’t know when this distressing trend of musicians not toeing the establishment line appeared, but it has to be quelled instantly! Popular art and music is all about supporting the dominant narrative!”