Well, at least it didn’t drive into a crowd; at least it didn't do THAT!

Hey, it wasn’t one of those coal-burning “electric” charades — gimme that.

A gargantuan SUV drove Energy Secretary Granholm around town, spewing noxious fossile fuel fumes.

U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm wrapped up her comments about about the need for more investment in efficient, sustainable infrastructure through President Biden’s Build Back Better bill — and then hopped right into a big “gas-guzzler” Chevy Suburban to make her way out of Fenway.

Granholm had spent part of the afternoon oo-ing and ah-ing over the funky new Boston Arts Academy building, chatting with the builders are cheerful Boston pols about the state-of-the-art windows and the lack of fossil fuels in the heating system before making a pitch about the multi-trillion-dollar bill that Biden and Democratic leaders in Washington are working to move along.

“We need to act quickly both on environmental justice but also on saving the planet,” Granholm told reporters inside the in-progress shell of the striking new Arts Academy overlooking Fenway Park. “So much of your greenhouse gas emissions involves buildings and vehicles. And so those two pieces are embedded in the Build Back Better agenda.”

A few minutes later, she and several members of her entourage were getting into the large white Chevrolet Suburban Premier they’d rolled up in, an SUV whose New Mexico plates indicate is a likely rental.

The Department of Energy did not respond to a request for comment about the Suburban and how that squares with the discussions of sustainability and efficiency.