Reaping the whirlwind: 55 years of the War on Poverty and its destruction of the black family

at least the white justice warriors have retreated to their moms’ suburban basements for the winter

Chicago teens pummel public bus driver because 1619, or something

The city has canceled days off for its reduced police force to attempt to stop its “young people” from terrorizing downtown residents and visitors

Police were operating on a regular schedule over the weekend when disorderly crowds congregated in the Loop downtown. 21 young people were arrested, WLS-TV reported.

Unruly [“unruly”? — Ed] crowd members assaulted a 49-year-old Chicago Transit Authority bus driver by dragging him into the middle of Michigan Avenue and punching him, and a 15-year-old boy was shot on Saturday alone, Fox32 added.

But wait, there’s more!

I wrote earlier this week about the Chicago school system abolishing girls’ bathrooms, which I saw as a safety concern, and a deliberate ploy to distract residents from those administrators’ complete failure: 80% illiterate rate for graduates — to educate its charges. But. Female writers see another problem: privacy

The Chicago Public School system is out of its damn mind. They’ve decided in all their infinite woke wisdom that school bathrooms don’t need to be separated by gender. This is to cater to the .00000001% of its school population that might be transgendered. So 99.9999% of girls must be harassed and inconvenienced for (maybe six?) trans students in the entire CPS system. The number of kids who are trans and need accommodation could be easily mollified by a single-use bathroom, but the ACLU won’t allow that. Instead, the ACLU says that it’s discriminatory to make trans kids use a separate bathroom. The end result in Chicago is that no girls will have access to privacy… ever.

What does this really mean for girls? Imagine being twelve and getting your first period at school. Not only are you mortified at having to go through this life-changing moment away from home, but the bathroom—where you must go to figure out the new apparatus the nurse just gave you—could have boys snickering at you right outside your stall.

What do girls do in these situations? They stop drinking, stop going to the bathroom, induce kidney problems, and develop anxiety disorders. The Daily Mail reports:

Gender-neutral toilets in schools have left girls feeling unsafe and even put their health at risk, parents and teachers have warned.

Girls who are menstruating are so anxious about sharing facilities with boys that some are staying at home for fear of being made to feel ‘period shame’.

With a growing number of both primary and secondary schools installing unisex toilets, some girls are risking infections by refusing to urinate all day.

Others are so fearful they have stopped drinking liquids at school.

In response to the CPS announcement, one concerned family member wrote, “My niece is 12 and had just gotten her first period at the beginning of the 7th grade school year. She went in the ‘inclusive’ bathroom and found two boys in there. Now it’s been a battle because she won’t drink anything as she tries to never have to use bathrooms at school.”