Well, nothing else he's said had a scientific basis, so why would this?

St. Anthony comes down from the mountain with the Word of God (daily)

St. Anthony comes down from the mountain with the Word of God (daily)

Fauci now admits that “there are no data indicating that double-masking works”.

Not only no data supporting it, yesterday, Biden’s Chinese Virus advisor Dr. Michael Osterholm argued that double-masking “does more harm than good”.

“Yeah, well, whatever”, octogenarian Faluchi told FWIW. “I’ve been slinging this stuff for a year now, making it up as I go along, so … what — you suddenly believe what you hear on TV? C’mon, man.”

It turns out, someone else was onto these public health frauds all along: Andy Cuomo,. who the NYT reports today has been firing his health care experts wholesale, since July.

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