Even judges shouldn't be allowed to be this stupid



The entire bit is worth five minutes of your time (hell, a young Dudley Moore’s in it!) but here’s the relevant punchline:

It’s just not enough to keep the mind alive, is it? I sought solace in
the printed page, quite frankly. I’m quite interested in the world of
literature… But the trouble is, all this knowledge I’ve got out of,
is useless – useless as regards to judging. They require Latin for it.
I wish I’d ‘ad it because it’s safer work, judging, than mining.
You’re not troubled by falling coal, for one thing… You get judges
remarking on it. They say, “Hello, no much coal falling these days!”

And what’s more, being a miner, as soon as you’re too old and tired and ill and sick and stupid to do your job properly, you ‘ave to go.
But the very opposite applies to judges – so all in all, I’d rather
have been a judge than a miner.