Cancel him

And shut down any media outlet that gives him airtime

And shut down any media outlet that gives him airtime

Dangerous conspiracy theorist says vaccine won’t work.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A dangerous conspiracy theorist based in Washington doesn't believe vaccines work, concerned sources reported Tuesday. He spouted his deadly rhetoric in a speech today, going on about how even if Americans get two doses of the vaccine they should keep triple-masking, avoid going outside, and stay in their homes and die alone.

"It's really scary how many people are listening to this dangerous, anti-science conspiracy theorist," said one scientist. "We're trying to get people to get vaccinated, and this guy comes along and starts spewing his nonsense about how vaccinated people could still get the virus and so can't go to theatres, baseball games, or restaurants for at least a year or two. He's really harming public discourse on the issue."

"Dangerous, extremist, fringe rhetoric like this is really harmful to our efforts to vaccinate a large portion of the population and get back to normal. Be really careful of wackos like this guy."