Nuclear war in the Middle East is probably not going to end well

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Encouraged by Biden, the UN acquiesces to Iran’s demand that it limit its inspections and access to Iran’s weapons plants.

Under the agreement, the U.N. nuclear watchdog forfeited its right to carry out suspected nuclear sites’ snap inspections.

“There is less access, let’s face it. But still we were able to retain the necessary degree of monitoring and verification work,” IAEA chief Rafael Grossi said, justifying the “a temporary technical understanding” reached with Iran.

The statement is hardly credible. Even the U.N.’s reports show that Iran has been advancing its nuclear program despite the purported monitoring and inspections. The IAEA inspectors have repeatedly detected radiations at Iranian nuclear sites, indicating a clandestine weapons program.

“The U.N. nuclear watchdog found uranium particles at two Iranian sites it inspected after months of stonewalling,” Reuters disclosed just last week.

….[T] he Biden White House on Friday agreed to reenter nuclear talks. It reversed outgoing President Donald Trump’s decision to enforce U.N. sanctions and weapons embargo on the regime.

The move formally ends Trump’s policy of ‘maximum pressure’ on Iran. It paves the way for China and Russia to sell advanced weapons and air defense systems to the rogue Shia-Islamic regime. Given Iran’s status as the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, a substantial part of this weaponry would end up in the hands of Palestinian, Arab, and other Islamic terrorist groups in the Middle East.

With the Biden-Harris administration undoing President Trump’s legacy of strength and bringing back Obama-era policy of appeasement, Iran is confident that Washington will soon lift all sanctions imposed by the previous president.

“We predict with confidence that diplomatic initiatives will result in a favourable outcome despite the diplomatic wrangling, (…) including the lifting of all sanctions in the near future,” Iranian regime spokesman Ali Rabiei declared on Saturday.

Coupled with Biden’s intention to destroy our oil and gas industry and return us to dependency on Saudi oil, we’re in for interesting times.