Contract off Stanwich

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54 Rock Maple Road, asking $4.750 million. Jeff Jackson, listing agent. Built in 1999 with improvements over the years, it’s a nice house. It does have limited backyard lawn space, but the pool and gardens are great, and these days, children stay inside and play video games, rather than risking Lyme Disease or stranger abduction, so who cares?

This house has always stuck in my memory because, back in 2007, it came on the market at $12.450, an astonishingly stupid, overpriced number. It finally sold to the present owners for $4.3 in 2011, and, depending on what the final selling price is, and after deducting, say, 7% for commission and taxes, plus the cost of the new kitchen, these sellers will probably do okay.

It’s got The Orange

It’s got The Orange

And even the mini-orange

And even the mini-orange