Reversing his stand of Tuesday, Dr. Fauci will now permit vaccinated folks to co-mingle

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What’s changed? Nothing, but like everything this quack has prescribed, it’s all politics and optics.

Three days ago he warned that he wouldn’t advise vaccinated people to go out to eat or to the movies, not because it’s dangerous for them but because it’s potentially dangerous for the majority of the population that hasn’t been immunized yet and with whom they’d be mixing in those public spaces. Vaccinated people *could* still spread the virus, even if they’re spreading it less than an unvaccinated person would.

Surely, though, in the name of giving people who’ve done their duty by getting the jab a reprieve from the misery of pandemic isolation, we could encourage those who’ve been immunized to get together with others who’ve been immunized. Fine, yes, be careful with strangers since they might still be vulnerable to infection, but if you know for a fact that all participants in an upcoming social engagement have been vaccinated, why the hell shouldn’t that engagement proceed?

Last night, in an interview with CNN, Fauci agreed. Why shouldn’t it? “Even though it isn’t backed by data,” he said about vaccinated people socializing safely, “it’s backed by common sense.”

This man has helped cause trillions of dollars of damages to America. I expect he’ll have received the Congressional Medal of Freedom by June.

As usual, America’s Paper of Record was way ahead of the story, this time on January 30.

Fauci Spins his handy Wheel of Science to See What Science is Recommending Today

WASHINGTON, DC—In a development no one saw coming, Dr. Anthony Fauci has again changed his recommendation about what to do with masks by consulting his tested and proven "Wheel of SCIENCE."

“Now I know it confuses people when the science changes so quickly, as if we are just making all this up as we go along,” explained Dr. Fauci from his bunker full of neckties. “That’s why I developed this handy 'Wheel of SCIENCE' for us to spin every morning, so people can really see that this isn’t just me saying whatever pops into my head!"

"Now-- let's give this puppy a spin!" he exclaimed as he gave the wheel a mighty turn.

“What will it be today, gang?” asked a giddy Dr. Fauci. "'Masks Cause Bladder Cancer?' 'Eating Dirt Prevents Halitosis?' hmmm..." 

The dial slowed, clicking just past "Cover Your Kids With Grocery Bags" and finally came to rest on: "Attach A Live Octopus Directly To Your Face."

“There it is, folks!  Science has proven that the best way to prevent COVID transmission is to affix a live octopus directly over your mouth, nose, and probably eyes. I’ve been keeping this little guy here for this very moment,” said Dr. Fauci, reaching into an aquarium and plastering the surprised sea creature’s tentacles directly onto his face.

“AAAA!!! AAA!!! THE—mmrghh—INK!! AAA!!!” screamed Dr. Fauci as he thrashed on the floor. The journalists watching on Zoom stared in shock, then went straight to work spreading the news of Dr. Fauci’s latest advice to the masses.