When everything's racist, nothing is

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Washington State activists demand that mandatory bicycle helmet laws be repealed.

Why? Because they say minorities and homeless people can’t afford helmets, and they should not be barred from riding their bikes just because the government has decreed that you can’t ride without one.

Baruchman notes that several activists have “joined a chorus of individuals and organizations calling for the repeal of the King County law that requires bicyclists to wear helmets because of disproportionate enforcement, especially among Black, Native and homeless riders.”

I resent any government tool telling me what I must do to protect myself, even if I personally wear a helmet, and buckle my seat belt while driving because seems a smart thing to do (by the way, did you know that there’s a move afoot to require people in cars to wear helmets? Apparently, head injuries are far more frequent in cars, so let’s make a rule. I’m not kidding).

But to frame opposition to those laws in the waaascist category instead of personal liberty is just ho hum, more of the same. Pretty soon, maybe some reasonable liberals (okay, oxymoron) will join the rest of us and oppose this entire pile of steaming excrement.

oh, the oppression!

oh, the oppression!