And she's on Biden's short-list to be Massachusetts’ next U.S. Attorney

Rachael Rollins explains road rage incident to reporter: Get the f’k outta here!

Rachael Rollins explains road rage incident to reporter: Get the f’k outta here!

Road rage incident may [but probably won’t - ed] derail her chances of being named U.S. Attorney for District of Massachusetts

Massachusetts's Democratic attorney general has confirmed an ongoing investigation into a road rage allegation against Boston's top prosecutor, Rachael Rollins, a liberal firebrand who is on the Biden administration's shortlist to be nominated for U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts.

The investigation into Rollins, who has embraced such radical policy positions as halting prosecution of drug dealers, stems from a Christmas Eve parking lot incident during which she allegedly cut a woman off, threatened to write her a ticket, and then used her car's police lights to zoom away through a red light as she shouted, "Today is not the day to try me!" Rollins has denied the allegations—and snapped at local reporters who've asked about them–but Massachusetts attorney general Maura Healey said in her monthly public radio interview that her office is yet to close the investigation it launched in early January.

Personally, if I were a resident of Massachusetts, I’d be more concerned about her refusal to arrest rioters, shoplifters and drug dealers; out-of-control anger in a prosecutor is to be deplored, but turning residents and shopkeepers over to the tender mercies of the criminal class will more more profound, permanent damage to civil society than a hot-headed manic n the streets. There’s only one of her; the number of criminals is legion.

Here’s her list of what she is no longer prosecuting in Suffolk County. I realize that, with the exception of drug-dealing and rioting, these are state, not federal, crimes, but her list exhibits her sympathies, and will also preclude the feds stepping in to protect citizens when the state refuses to act

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Oh! I forgot this part: she opposes using Fenway as a site for mass-vaccinations because it’s racist, ‘and people sing the national anthem”. Presumably, they won’t be forced to sing that tune while receiving their shots, but the taint lingers. For that matter, is there anywhere in her city that could serve as a non-racist site? In Boston, home of racists like Paul Revere and John Adams and white supremacists who threw tea into the harbor in order to preserve the institution of slavery?

Oh, again! One more thought: her refusal to prosecute people caught driving with a suspended or revoked license takes away one of the few deterrents to drunk driving available. The penalty for driving after an OUI conviction doesn’t deter all drunks from getting behind the wheel again, but it certainly stops a lot of them — not everyone you see riding bicycles or walking along the road is doing it for his health. With no penalty for ignoring a ban on her driving, there’s nothing to stop a drunk from roaming the highways, a direct and deadly danger to you, your family, and your fellow citizens.