He may be gone, but he'll never be forgotten; he's too useful

Look, she’s black, lesbian, and a Democrat; that’s a triple-a rating. We don’t do competence.

Look, she’s black, lesbian, and a Democrat; that’s a triple-a rating. We don’t do competence.

Chicago Mayor blames teacher strike on … Trump?

These are really difficult times in a pandemic, exacerbated by the incompetence of the previous administration that didn’t leave us with enough vaccine to really quickly get to the entire population in our city that needs it.

Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” developed and began distributing a vaccine in under 9 months, something all the “experts” said was impossible. Three months on, Ilinois has received 2,079,525 doses and distributed less than half of them. Chicago has managed to give 6% of its population the first dose, 1.88% has= received the second. Its teachers are refusing to end their strike until all children have been fully-vaccinated, an impossibility now, because no vaccine has even been tested on, let alone approved, for children under 18.

Sadly for Lightfoot, she can’t blame the Orange Man for this “interpretive dance” created by her teachers: