Term for the day: White adjacent

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But that’s Waaacist!!!

What do you call a black man who refuses to join the woke community of liberal whites and c̶̷o̶̷l̶̷o̶̷r̶̷e̶̷d̶̷ ̶̷p̶̷e̶̷o̶̷p̶̷l̶̷e̶̷ people of color? Or a Hispanic who fled Castro and made a success in America (now properly referred to as “North Mexico/Southern Canada”)? A Japanese -American (see correct appellation, previous) Harvard applicant whose parents survived FDR’s WW II concentration camps? Why, they’re all “White Adjacents”, defined by the Urban Dictionary as

(n.) A person who is technically a minority, but has access to, utilizes and sometimes benefits from white privilege. This is usually accomplished by said person distancing themselves from the socio political problems their ethnic group commonly faces. Usually by considering considering themselves better than their minority counterparts sharing their same ethnic heritage. This can also be a person who thinks they are are better minorities possessing a darker complexion.

Tyrone, who is an African American rapper, believes that immigrants are a drain the economy [sic] because they take jobs away from real, honest Americans. Tyrone is also, not percieved [sp] to be black by mainstream America because of his dyed blond hair, light skin and unslanted eyes [Blacks have slanty eyes? Who knew? - Ed]. Tyrone reaps the benefits of white privilege. Tyrone makes zero effort to correct her co-workers who refer to him as white “her co-workers”, “refer to him’ - WTF?] Tyrone, is white adjacent.

Here is another authority weighing in on the term. Interestingly, he/xi/ux uses the term “low man on the totem pole” to describe the relationship, even though that term is itself racist, and been condemned by all proper folx, proving that you can never be woke enough, or current enough:

In a world with discussions surrounding diversity within the media to fight to retain ethnic studies on campuses, you would think that a certain term would enter these discussions more often. Unfortunately, this does not occur — leaving an unspoken truth left untold.

This term is none other than White Adjacency.

White Adjacency can be defined as a person coming from a marginalized background within society in terms of race, and at the same time, receiving benefits similar to those identified as white.

A way to understand White Adjacency is by examining racial hierarchy within America as a totem pole. At the start of the totem pole, you have the dominant culture as white or reflecting those of European descent, non-black people of color, and then you have black people who are at the bottom.

This racial hierarchy being enforced in society connects to various forms of racism that are individual and institutional. For instance, an educational institution that is founded upon White Supremacy can continue since its policies are set to keep a specific structure. The result of this is quite simple. White Adjacent people from marginalized communities have positions of power in an institution, thus becoming enablers of this racism that was historically committed by those of the dominant culture.

Determining your status as someone that is defined as White Adjacent is by examining how you are treated in comparison to other marginalized people and taking heed of this. In this process, discover your own biases by questioning what you believe and why were you taught this. Once you acknowledge that you are White Adjacent within a certain space, realizing it does not mean that you are without struggles. What the term does is highlight how every struggle of a marginalized group is not entirely at the same level or some experiences specifically belong to one group.

No need to thank me for this informative morning essay, just go out, and sin no more.