For God’s sake, don’t let Fauci hear about this

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A Canadian regional health authority orders solitary confinement for children as young as four

Peel Health says children as young as FOUR YEARS OLD must be put in solitary quarantine for FOURTEEN DAYS if someone at the childcare center or in their classroom tests positive for Covid.

“Peel Health has issued guidelines to parents instructing them to keep any children who have been sent home because a classmate has tested positive for COVID-19 isolated in a separate room from all other family members for 14 days.

The severe guidelines, which apply even to small children who are dismissed from child care, are being criticized by experts as harmful and not supported by science.

“This is cruel punishment for a child, especially for younger children, 4-10 years old,” Dr. Susan Richardson, a microbiologist and infectious disease physician who is also a professor emerita at University of Toronto, wrote in an email to the Sun.

“Shutting a child off from their parents and siblings for up to 14 days in this manner could produce significant and long-lasting emotional and psychological effects.””

What should that mean? The child is at home and the family quarantines for the mandated period of time. Not in Canada evidently. Instead, the parents are supposed to shove that young child into a bedroom and lock the door for FOURTEEN DAYS, only letting that child out to use the bathroom or eat meals with no one else around. That’s the “recommendation” from Peel Health.

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