The cat's out of the bag: Gov. Noisome says aloud what his fellow Democrats are thinking
/Gavin Newsom’s State of the State address, Tuesday: “We’re never going to return to ‘normal’ “
Yes, the pandemic “will end soon,” he noted, but when that happens, “we’re not going back to normal.”
“Normal was never good enough,” he added. “Normal accepts inequity.”
Note that “equity” is the opposite of equality; we Moved On™ from that antiquated notion years ago. And now we have ‘The Great Reset”, hinged to global warming, overwrought COVID panic shysters, BLM, or whatever the crisis of the day is. Different crises, same solution: socialism and total governmental control.
Rahm Emanuel, Wall Streeter, political hack, former Obama Chief of Staff, and now mayor of Chicago (poor city) explained this strategy back in 2008;