A total fruitcake wrapped up in “the sin’ of his sexual lust kills white and asian prostitutes, so ...
/Obama and all our favorite fruitcakes blame it on white supremacy
Mr. Puppet’s handlers sent a message from the White House basement as well,
And De Blasio managed to blame both White Supremacy and Domestic Terrorism at the same time.
Look: if you’re going to shoot up a “massage parlor”, you’re going to hit Asian prostitutes; blame world-wide sex trafficking, not white supremacism. But our Democrats couldn’t wait for the smoke to clear before getting out their talking points. These are garbage people.
Postscript: is it time to revive that wonderful story from the late 80s, early 90s, about the Greenwich cop who was conducting under-the-covers work at the whore house above the Boston Market store on the Post Road in Old Greenwich? He was deeply engaged in his investigation when some punks from the housing project across the border burst in and started robbing the place. Our intrepid officer draped a towel around his waist and emerged into the hallway clutching his towel with one hand and holding his gun and his badge in the other. The punks knocked him down and stole both his badge and his gun and fled.
Every single cop on duty at the time flooded the area, motivated, I was later told, more to recover his badge than his gun, which even then were a dime a dozen in our sister city. I think they eventually got both, but you never heard a peep about the incident in our esteemed local paper — the relationship between the cops and GT’s editor were closer then, I presume, though who knows what great tales they’re hiding now?