Apparently half of all frontline healthcare workers are Republican males — who knew?l
/LA Times: half of Republican men are mooching off the rest of us
Millions of elderly Americans are still hunting for appointments to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Millions of younger Americans are waiting impatiently for their turn in line.
But there’s one group whose members are far more skeptical about the vaccine — and in some cases are actively refusing to get jabbed at all.
That group is Republicans, especially GOP men.
In a recent NPR/PBS/Marist survey, fully 49% of Republican men said they do not plan to get vaccinated — a higher share of refusers than any other demographic group. Among Democratic men, the number saying no was only 6%.
The finding, which has been confirmed in other polls, has confounded public health professionals.
“We’ve never seen an epidemic that was polarized politically before,” Robert J. Blendon, a health policy scholar at Harvard, told me.
For months, Blendon and his colleagues expected “vaccine hesitancy” to be a problem mainly among African Americans, whose history has been marked by neglect and abuse by medical authorities. But Black Americans, after some initial hesitance, now say they want the vaccine at the same rate that white people do.
Republicans, on the other hand, have become more resistant — especially since a Democrat became president.
They don’t trust the federal government — and they trust it even less since Joe Biden came to the White House. They don’t trust scientists, and they especially don’t trust Dr. Anthony Fauci, Biden’s chief medical advisor.
Since almost half of all such workers; doctors, nurses, all who are directly exposed to COVID patients, refuse to be vaccinated, one can only assume that those pesky Republican males have taken over our health care system. Sad.
Almost half of American frontline health care workers haven’t been vaccinated for COVID-19, according to a new poll.
The report, published Friday by the Kaiser Family Foundation, found only 52 percent of health care workers have received at least one vaccine dose, even though they have been among the first eligible to receive the treatment in most communities.
Just 64 percent of those surveyed said they were confident in vaccine safety and effectiveness, and 48 percent haven’t yet gotten the jab.Health care workers were cited expressing a wide range of opinions on the vaccine, similar those found in the wider public, according to the poll, which was done in conjunction with the Washington Post.
“I’d quit if work told me I had to take it,” said one response cited in the survey
You can almost forgive this idiot because he’s a Democrat, and draws his “facts” from Leftist news sources, so, like the rest of his sheeple flock, overestimates the percentage of COVID patients requiring hospitalization by at least a factor of 10: they guess 50%, while the actual figure is !% to 5%. It’s no wonder the poor dear is terrified and has abandoned all pretense of being a, you know, journalist.