Diversion, or just pure hatred for her people?
/A NY State Representative wants to add sex-ed to Kindergarten classes, and expand it in other grades
Legislation sponsored by state Sen. Samra G. Brouk, a freshman Democrat from Rochester, would tie New York’s health curriculum to standards written by a left-wing interest group that advocates “Sex Ed for Social Change” — and would make those lessons mandatory statewide.
Under that group’s current standards, public and charter schools would have to teach 5-year-olds about “gender identity” and instruct 8-year-olds on hormone blockers to prevent puberty in transgender-identifying preteens.
Kids as young as 11 would get lectures on “vaginal, oral, and anal sex”; study “queer, two-spirit, asexual, pansexual” and other gender identities; and receive explicit instruction on the use of external and internal condoms, dental dams and other contraceptives.
So, the kids in Rochester’s schools must be performing so well that there’s time for them to learn about anal sex and transgender rights, you’d assume? You’d assume wrong.
Here’s How Rochester schools are performing
Adjusted for SES, students in Albany, Rochester and Syracuse perform below expectations. In Rochester, only 9 percent of students in grades three through eight passed the state required exams in 2018. Based on the percentage of economically disadvantaged students and district educational levels, 17 percent were expected to pass. In Syracuse, only 13 percent passed; 18 percent were expected to pass. In Albany, 18 percent passed, compared with 31 percent predicted by the two factors.