A year late and three-trillion-dollars short

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CDC now admits that there’s a difference between dying with COVId and dying of Covid.

The Chinese Fu was certainly a bad thing and killed a lot of people, but how many non-COVID deaths were attributed to it, and how much of our national shutdown was baed on those numbers? Everyone who died with COVID bugs in their system was counted as a flu “victim”, including people who died in motorcycle accidents, emphysema, heart attacks, dementia, and falling from ladders. We’ll never know, because the CDC and state health authorities won’t tell us — they used the inflated figures to spread panic among the public, because it served their purpose.

Until now. The new goal is to persuade people to get vaccinated, so now our masters are admitting what has been known along: the numbers were cooked.

Next up, the millions of “cases” detected, numbers used to continue the lockdown and mask mandates. As far back as last August, even the NYT was reporting that the tests used to detect the virus were using a cycle threshold (amplification) of 40, when anything above 30X (24X, actually) was bogus: 85-90% of COVID positive results are actually showing historical artifacts of RNA, not an actual, live virus. Turns out, if you amplify something trillions of times, instead of millions, you’re going to detect a lot of meaningless, harmless traces of virus.

Red State explained the flaws of our testing process back in November. Well worth reading.

  1. The bits of genetic material whose amount is being amplified ARE NOT viruses. They’re just small segments of inert genetic material found inside a virus’s shell. The PCR test doesn’t detect “live” viruses, at best it only detects their “dead remains.”

    2. The detection of viral remains involves massively amplifying the amount in the original sample by running it through successive PCR cycles. And nothing about the PCR test itself will tell you if there was actually any “live” virus in the original sample.

    …. As we saw in the previous entry, they also failed to mention that, since any test will have a false positive rate, mass testing will mean that an alarming number of bogus COVID-19 cases will continue to be reported every single day from now til eternity even after the virus has run its course, creating an illusory pandemic that never goes away.

And here’s a brief summary on the subject, put out by Yale Medical:

Standard tests diagnose large numbers of people carrying insignificant amounts of virus.

  • Most are not likely to be contagious. If Ct >33, virus not grown in culture.

  • A cycle threshold >35 is too sensitive.

  • A more reasonable cutoff is Ct 30-35 or even Ct <30.

  • In NY state lab, 50% of recent positives had Ct >35.

  • In MA, 85-90% of positives in July had Ct >30.

  • Cycle threshold is never included in the results sent to clinicians.

Again, all this has been known for at least 10 months, and almost certainly longer than that, but the high, fake case counts have enabled politics and health “authorities” to keep the country shutdown, and the money flowing. We’ve been had, and the deception, though being slowly brought to light by a few courageous governors continues. Question for the future: will the “disappearance” of the garden variety flu this year due to masking, or because flu cases were labeled of Chinese origin and assigned to the COVID count? Given the health system’s track record, I’m guessing the latter.