Gee, haven't we been talking about this for the past year or so?

In fact, as recently as three days ago  ….

In fact, as recently as three days ago ….

The Dirty Little Secret of Anti-Asian Violence—and Why the Left Stopped Talking About It

It’s time to bid farewell to the MSM coverage of anti-Asian violence. It was juicy while it lasted. The race-baiters in the lefty media saw what they thought was an opportunity to bash Donald Trump yet again by trying to link anti-Asian hate crimes to the former president’s use of the phrase “China virus” in regards to COVID-19. Liberal news rushed and gushed to suggest Trump’s words had stirred up a bunch of white supremacists in MAGA hats, driving pick-up trucks with huge Dixie flags all the way from Georgia to San Francisco for the thrill of punching an elderly Asian woman. Yee-HA!

Bad news for CNN. It turns out most of the attacks are not committed by toothless goobers but by black people. Some folks just aren’t comfortable talking about that inconvenient truth and that’s not new.

2008 survey in San Francisco found that 85% of strong-arm robberies against Asian women were committed by black men. The same article suggests the police weren’t exactly eager to address the role of race in these attacks.

Nine years and hundreds of attacks later, the big-wigs working for San Francisco’s Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) refused to release videos of subway violence to “avoid racial stereotyping of suspects.”

A leaked BART memo stated, “Disproportionate elevation of crimes on transit interfaces with local media in such a way to unfairly affect and characterize riders of color, leading to sweeping generalizations in media reports and a high level of racially insensitive commentary directed toward the District through our social media channels, email, and call centers.” San Francisco is a beehive of anti-Asian crime.

Sorry, Asian people. Black crime will not be discussed in the news. Call it #blackprivilege.

Lefty news did succeed in making people think the recent anti-Asian violence was caused by redneck Trump supporters. To the point that an Asian man decided to rape a white woman in an act of revenge. Then came the videos where we could see the attackers. Oops.

(At least) 16 robberies since April (MAGA hat removed for mugshot clarity)

(At least) 16 robberies since April (MAGA hat removed for mugshot clarity)

Circling Back..If you believe that Biden’s Justice Department is now going to target back thugs well, you’re a fool

Biden signs hate-crime bill setting up a new division in DOJ to focus on and prosecute miscreants who beat on Asians. Yeah, right.

Like our present COVID theater, but in blackface.

clown circus

clown circus