Well, this isn't good

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Over at PJ Media, Rick Moran writes: Partisan January 6 Commission Vote May Doom the Filibuster, and his prediction is quite plausible. Ugh.

The Senate will face a filibuster Waterloo next week when Democrats try to get a floor debate on the independent commission to investigate the January 6 riot at the Capitol.


Democrats have decided to make the commission Trump’s third impeachment trial. They will entertain no facts, call no witnesses, gather no evidence that doesn’t buttress the singular argument that Donald Trump engineered the riot in order to nullify the election and take over the government.

They don’t believe that the political violence in the cities during the summer was actually “political violence.” They see it as an understandable response to the cruelty and violence of racism.

At least, that’s how radical activists tell them that’s what it was. And no Democrat is going to cross that race line and expect to survive politically.

So Republicans are digging in their heels in the Senate and will not budge on creating such a commission. It may cost them dearly. The only way Senate Republicans can stop the commission from being created is by refusing to even take the measure up in the first place.

And that will give Democratic radicals ammunition to convince the few remaining holdouts to vote to eliminate the filibuster.


Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), one of the filibuster’s strongest supporters in the Democratic Party, seemed aghast that his GOP colleagues are on track to block the bill.

“So disheartening. It makes you really concerned about our country,” Manchin said. Asked if that is an abuse of the filibuster: “I’m still praying we’ve still got 10 good solid patriots within that conference.”

If Republicans can’t hold Manchin’s vote to keep the filibuster, it’s all over but the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

This may not be a hill worth dying on. The Democrat’s commission, duplicating the work of a half-dozen ongoing investigations, will purposefully drag on into the 2022 elections, but we’re used to sound and fury, signifying nothing coming from that quarter for years now. iI’d let ‘em rant, and keep the filibuster around for as long as we can — there are some far more deadly bills in the hopper, and we’ll need a few of the saner Democrats to help stop them.