The Vengence of the Lord is Both Powerful and Swift

City Councilor Brown — really

City Councilor Brown — really

“Defund the Police” politician has his Mercedes stolen — by children

Dragged a full block before he let go: “it was going so fast, I might have been killed”.

An Atlanta mayoral candidate who voted to defund millions of dollars from the local police department’s budget reportedly had his car stolen by a group of young thieves this week.

City Council Member Antonio Brown had just gotten out of his white Mercedes coupe to speak to fellow community leader Ben Norman in northwest Atlanta’s Dixie Hills community Wednesday when he spotted four or five kids — the youngest only 6 or 7, WAGA-TV reported

The children were walking around a store — and within seconds were inside Brown’s car, he said. 

“This is a generational poverty issue,” Brown said. “These kids, it’s 12:30 in the afternoon. Why aren’t they in school? Why aren’t we enforcing systems to ensure that if they are not in school, they’re in recreational centers?”

Brown. — who is under indictment on several federal fraud charges related to alleged incidents that occurred years before he took city council office in 2019 — launched his mayoral run on the platform of “reimagining” public safety and policing in Atlanta, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Why aren’t the kids in school, why aren’t truancy laws being applied? Because, Councilman, schools may not discipline students or enforce rules — it’s waaasist!

Instead, these industrious young thieves are busy “reimagining” public safety to their liking.

Circling Back. Nah, too bad, but it’s the Bee.

Calls for defunding police wane as people remember that crime exists. Then again, the Bee does have a remarkable record of predicting tomorrow’s news today ….

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