The article doesn't explicitly say that the attacker was a Trump-loving, Asian hating, Capitol insurrectionist, but can there be any doubt?

Heading home from a MAGA/Proud Boys rally, there’s still time for a diversion

Heading home from a MAGA/Proud Boys rally, there’s still time for a diversion

Elderly Asian woman punched in the face by a stranger

A 75-year-old Asian woman was socked in the face and left with a broken nose in Queens early Thursday, police sources said. 

The elderly victim was walking on 57th Avenue near 97th Place in Corona at 3 a.m. when a man suddenly slugged her, the sources said. 

She was taken to Elmhurst Hospital Center with a broken nose and has since been treated and released, according to the sources. 

It was unclear whether the assault was being considered a hate crime. The motive was not known.

“Motive unknown?” Well, here’s a hint:

Sources on Thursday also gave details on an alleged hate-crime incident from May 19. 

A 24-year-old man was inside the 34th Street-Herald Square station when a male stranger snarled, “You are Chinese, aren’t you? Give me your s–t. This is black people territory. I will slit your throat,” the sources said. (The reporter did not include the rest of the quote: “I am striking you because my President, Donald J. Trump, told me to do do. You goddamn China-flu spreader, you.” )

Oh, the humanity. Oh, that awful Trump, stirring up anti-Asian hate crimes. When will it end, when will it end?!

You may have noticed that the whole “Anti-Asian Hate Crime” meme is disappearing from the criminals who control our media. No more videos, no more identifying the race of the perpetrator unless, of course, he’s white, but those are so few and far between that the story is fizzling. Look for the topic to vanish completely in the next few months.