Uh oh

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John Hinderaker: Biden’s Obsession Breaks Out

[emphasis mine]

Over the last 18 hours or so, this video has been widely shared. If you haven’t already seen it, it opens another window onto Joe Biden’s mental state.

Many have seen this as another instance of Biden’s weird obsession with little girls. Yes, but I think the truth is worse than that. Biden’s handlers have undoubtedly warned him many times not to act inappropriately toward little girls, but when he goes off-script, as here, he can’t help himself. As indicated, too, by the manner in which he speaks, I think Biden is well into his dotage. Like many elderly people suffering from dementia, he is prone to blurting out inappropriate thoughts that happen to cross his mind.

Biden’s condition is obviously a matter of concern, on national security grounds as well as others. Yet our press will steadfastly avert its eyes and pretend that all is well, right up until the moment when Biden collapses in public or commits a blunder too serious to be ignored.