Here's an interesting website

Screen Shot 2021-05-30 at 11.43.28 AM.png, which runs thoughtful essays on — and you won’t believe this — law and liberty. Like this one, “What Did the Three-Fifths Clause Really Mean? In a normal world, the author’s even-handed discussion of the history of the provision and its effects, good and bad, would be an ideal subject for an American history class, high school or college, that was studying “critical race theory”.

But this is not an ideal world.

I discovered this site by accident when my iPhone anticipated my typing and directed me there, even though it wasn’t my intended destination. It turns out to be a part of the Liberty Fund Network (not to be confused by the LibertyfundNYC, which bails out felons) and has been around since 1960. It is credited with getting Ronald Reagan elected, and Al Gore is on record as denouncing it, which is as good a recommendation as I need. I don’t know how I’ve missed its existence all this time.