Sometimes the reason for the cover up is obvious

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L A Times Publishes Beijing-Funded Propaganda, Conceals China’s Massive Coal Use & Emissions

China has paid the Times $650,000, so far, to run its “China Watch” propaganda. That seems a trivial sum for a newspaper to sell its soul, but faced with the choice of fiscal or moral bankruptcy, the paper’s editors never hesitated.

This latest edition of China Watch hypes China’s efforts at wind power but makes no mention of China’s huge and growing use of coal fuel that makes that nation the leading global emissions producer accounting for 29% of all global CO2 emissions as of  2019.

The subject of China’s massive emissions is never addressed by the L A Times that is constantly harping for more emissions reductions by the U.S. while completely ignoring and concealing the massive and growing emissions by China that have increased by over 3.7 billion metric tons since 2005 while the U.S. was reducing its emissions by over 900 million metric tons during this same period. 

China’s emissions climbed dramatically since 2005 because it increased its coal use by over 47% during this period while the U.S. reduced its coal use by just over 50%. 

The U.S. CO2 reductions were primarily achieved by increased use of lower cost, higher efficiency and lower emission natural gas obtained through fracking to replace higher emission coal fuel. 

According to EIA increased use of natural gas accounted for about 62% of the U.S. emission reductions since 2005. EIA data shows that between 2005 and 2019 U.S. cumulative CO2 reductions from fuel substitution of natural gas replacing high emission coal fuel resulted in 3.4 billion metric tons in CO2 reductions.