And we're back!

549 North Street

549 North Street

Yesterday I made the stupid mistake of using a screen cleaner wipe on my notebook’s keyboard, and that brought everything crashing down. Daughter Kate suggested it putting the computer in a plastic bag with rice and leaving it overnight. The advice I found on the web was to reset the PRAM by simultaneously holding down the command/option/keys for 10 seconds and then, while still depressing those keys, pressing the start-up button. So I did both, and voila! I’m back.

So: real estate news. 549 North Street has finally sold, for $6.975 million. This had to be one of our oldest listings, having started at $12.5 back in 2005 and staying on the market pretty much continuously ever since.

I’ve pointed out before that the Chinese Flu is doing a marvelous job flushing out old inventory, and that process is obviously still at work.