Next up; forcing China Flu shots on 2-11-year olds

taking a bullet for the nEA

taking a bullet for the nEA

“It’s for the good of the children and the good of society”

I’m no ant-vaxxer; I’ve even had the double-shot of Moderna myself, and any parent who doesn’t have his child protected against measles, smallpox, and the like is a chump, but submitting a 2-year-old to a vaccine that has yet to be formally approved, to protect her against a disease that poses practically no risk to the child? I’d certainly be wary, but not the government who, after all, is only here to help, and operates solely on the basis of settled science.

‘Children may not get sick, but they act as reservoirs of the virus”. Really? The studies I’ve seen show that there have been almost zero COVID cases that can be tracked back to schools. And are infected, but asymptomatic people of any age capable passing on the bug? Right now, that’s a guess, brought to you by the same experts, like Neil Ferguson, who predicted 22 million deaths in the US alone. There are plenty of studies out there that found no cases of asymptomatic COVIDs, infecting others. But why wait, when there are shots to be given, and public health administrators to be kept busy?

How do I know the vaccine’s going to be forced on parents? Because of comments from “experts” like this:

‘Vaccinating children age 2 to 11 is “a win-win situation, particularly in our attempt to get people back to school.”

Nice kid you got there; too bad if he can’t go to school.