Pfizer should immediately launch a "Megan and Harry's Royal Sussex Body Deodorant"

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Harry and his gal pal join the call for vaccine makers to be stripped of patent protection.

President Asterisk’s announced intention to “suspend” U.S. Patent law is hardly surprising: the goal of socialism is to destroy all property rights, everywhere, and starting with pharmaceutical companies is a popular place to begin, and will help our former enemies, now allies and friends, China and Russia steal still more our industrial trade secrets; both countries have lauded the move, because they have the manufacturing capability to take advantage of the transfer of U.S. intellectual wealth. The benefits for Third World shitholes like India are illusory. India can’t produce enough of its own vaccine or Astrazeneca to inoculate 1/10 of 1% of its cattle, let alone its human population, and South Africa, which has no drug manufacturing capability at all, won’t see any improvement, but they both like the idea of government theft, so they're on board, too.

But it’s Harry and his bride who most deserve to relinquish their intellectual property rights, especially copyright. These two parasites who have produced nothing on their own, ever, yet made tens of millions living on the Sussex name, have the gall to demand that the productive sector of society give it all up:

Harry and Meghan call for 'vaccine giveaway' in open letter to vaccine makers

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle today urged vaccine manufacturers to 'temporarily suspend' intellectual property rights in order to help those in developing countries gain access to jabs - as they marked Archie's second birthday by asking for $5 donations to aid global distribution.

The Duke, 36, and Duchess of Sussex, 39, shared an emotive letter to the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Norovax on Thursday as they launched a campaign to 'ensure equitable vaccine access globally'.

The lengthy note, published to Global Citizen, had asked the vaccine bosses to 'act with extraordinary purpose, responsibility, and leadership' in response to a 'equity crisis' and use 'every possible measure to increase global supply.'

These proposed measures included 'the temporary suspension of intellectual property and extraordinary global public-private collaboration resulting in wider transfer of technology and know-how.'

Having never invented anything (except the fiction of their worth to society because Harry is a descendant of the spawn of a German King), there’s no patent to “suspend”, but their various copyrights trading on the Sussex name should be fair game. Body deodorant, certainly, but the possibilities are endless: “Archie’s Royal Disposable Diapers”, perhaps, or “Meghan’s Royal Blood, That-Time-of-Month Pads” are just two ideas we’ll throw out there, for free, no rigts .