More sound advice from The Man in the Basement

and it removes earwax, too!

and it removes earwax, too!

Grampa Loving Fingers: Masks should continue to be worn indoors, even when everyone in the room has been vaccinated

"When we're inside, it's still good policy to wear the mask.

"The problem is, lots of times I walk away from this podium, you notice, I forget to put my mask back on because I'm used to not wearing it outside," he added.

So, because President Asterisk has gone senile and forgets what he’s saying, doing, or (it is to laugh) thinking, the rest of the population should humor him by wearing its own masks? This is science?

By the way, the CDC now admits what we’ve known all along: masks are not needed when vaccinated people are outdoors, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its guidance to say that even when gathering with friends in the park or going for a picnic, vaccinated people need not wear a mask, the agency said the risk is "very low" of passing the virus in open air. [“very low” being the new term for “absolute zero”]

The update also clarified that fully vaccinated workers no longer need to be restricted from work following exposure as long as they are asymptomatic. Again, something we’ve known all along and is in direct contradiction to what Connecticut's own “experts” are saying. I have no faith in the CDC, but even less in the doctors and nurses our state keeps trotting out to spew panicdemic nonsense.