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Portland BLM/Antifa draw guns on drivers to enforce no-go zone, in broad daylight

Portland’s revolutionaries from Black Lives Matter and antifa took over a busy street at noon on Thursday and pulled guns on drivers who dared try to dart past the mob. It was holding a rally for a gangland shooter who was killed by police in 2018. That shooting was ruled justified; more below.

The chaotic scene included guns being drawn on white drivers by the multiracial BLM and antifa protesters and one driver drew his own weapon in reply. Someone deployed pepper spray.

A driver was reportedly beaten and held against his will, another had his back window destroyed and shots of some sort were fired by the AK-47 and AR-15 wielding terrorists. Multiple sharp sounds were heard followed by the sound of whooshing air after the militants flattened the tires of a car the gun-wielding crowd had forced to stop. The man was “aided” to the sidewalk, as a live streamer put it (see the video below).

Portland police finally stopped by after receiving a (false) report of someone having been struck by a car.

As officers arrived they did not find any pedestrians who claimed to have been struck. The large group had moved away, still walking in nearby streets, some openly carrying firearms. Officers remained in the area searching for anyone who may have been injured and to collect evidence and information.

Additional calls came in from people who had been driving vehicles in the area and who were blocked by the crowd in the street. One person said people in the crowd broke out their vehicle windows, damaged tires, and sprayed them with some kind of irritant near North Interstate Avenue and North Killingsworth Street.

No arrests were made.

Daughter Kate, visiting from that paradisiacal city, reports that panhandlers pound on her car windows when she’s stopped, (she had to accelerate through a red light to escape one of them), and a walk anywhere in the city requires careful attention to weave around the piles of human shit deposited on the sidewalk. She’s not long for that city, though I’m sure she thinks (I haven’t asked) that it’s all Trumps fault. Extremely intelligent girl, but like the rest of her peers out there, a slow earner.