We won’t make it to next year’s Birthing Person Day without a revolution

And the tumbrels will show up just about here

And the tumbrels will show up just about here

Dr. Faust says that by next Mother’s Day we’ll be “almost back to normal – maybe”

STEPHANOPOULOS: Give everyone a sense of what the country is going to look like next Mother’s Day.

FAUCI: Well, George, I hope that next Mother’s Day, we’re going to see a dramatic difference than what we’re seeing right now. I believe that we will be about as close to back to normal as we can. And there’s some conditions to that, George.

We’ve got to make sure that we get the overwhelming proportion of the population vaccinated. When that happens, the virus doesn’t really have any place to go. There aren’t a lot of vulnerable people around. And where there are not a lot of vulnerable people around, you’re not going to see a surge. You’re not going to see the kinds of numbers we see now.

Circling Back: Falucchi now says masks may become “seasonal”. He claims, today, that they’d be optional during flu season; we’ve seen how that turned out.